Please send the relevant payment to China Center for Insurance and Risk Management (CCIRM), Tsinghua University, before July 9, 2012.
Registration Fee:
Option One:
Date | Academic and Practitioners | Student |
Before June 30, 2012 | U.S.$200 (or, RMB1000) | U.S.$140 (or, RMB700) |
After June 30, 2011 | U.S.$250 (or, RMB1200) | U.S.$175 (or, RMB840) |
Option One: Registration fee includes conference sessions, conference materials, tea breaks, welcome reception (on July 18), conference lunches (on July19, July201, and July 21) and Conference Dinner (on July 19).
Option Two: Registered students (student ID required) who choose not to pay registration fee, may attend all conference sessions and tea break. Conference committee doesn't supply conference materials.
Please email the copy of student ID to
Conference materials and name badge pickup:
July 18, 2012 12:00-19:00
July 19, 2012 08:00-12:00
Registration Methods:
The Registration Form should be accompanied by the appropriate payment for the registration fee, which must be in US dollars (if the payment is sent from outside China), and made payable to CCIRM by the following methods:
• Bank transfer
Name of Account: Tsinghua University
Account No.: 778350033647
Account Opening Bank: The Bank of China, Head Office
Address: No.1, Fuxingmen Nei Avenue, Beijing, PRC, 100818
Swift Code: BKCHCNBJ
Telex No.: 22254 BCHO CN
Message: CCIRM, CICIRM2012, (Please indicate the name of the participant of CICIRM2012)
• Bank Draft/Bank Check/Check from the sponsoring institution (No personal check)
Please indicate the receiver (Pay to):'Tsinghua University'
Please mail to:
CICIRM, 376, Weilun Building
School of Economics and Management
Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R.C., 100084
Please email the copy of remittance voucher to
You may register online: Online registration (Preferred)
If you prefer to apply for a travel visa (no longer than 15 days), the procedure to get a formal invitation letter from committee of CICIRM 2012 is the following (all forms are available at the CICIRM conference website):
(1) To complete online registration form and pay registration fee
(2) To complete Visa Invitation-letter Application form (including your name, passport number,...)and email it to (Preferred)
Fax: +86-10-62782830
It takes two weeks to issue an official invitation letter for Visa application, we advise that you complete all forms before June 10, 2012.