GAO Jun was a graduate of Central South University, and has in addition the Master of Finance degree in 2008 and the Doctor of Insurance degree in 2011 at Wuhan University. The major investigational fields are risk management and economics of insurance.
[1] 田玲,高俊:《“助推器”还是“稳定器”:保险业对经济产出作用的经验证据》,《保险研究》,2011(04)
[2] 田玲,成正民,高俊:《巨灾保险供给主体的演化博弈分析》,《保险研究》,2010(06)
[3] Tian Lin, Gao Jun. Can Entropy Model Explain the Cat Bond premium puzzle?,ICIII 2009,EI 2009
[4] Tian Lin, Gao Jun. Research on Financing Modes of Catastrophic Risks in China: Cross-sectional or Inter-temporal,ICIM 2009,ISTP2009
[5] 田玲,高俊:《对风险个体防灾行为的经济学分析》,金融学术动态,2008(04)
[6] 田玲,高俊:《巨灾风险债券溢价之谜的行为金融学解释》,《金融理论与实践》,2007(10)
[7] 盛虎,高俊:《影响我国投资性寿险产品需求的相关因素分析》,《保险职业学院学报》,2007(03)