2005-2010: Department of Mathematical Science, Tsinghua University. Ph.D. in Mathematics:Essays in Nonlinear Schr¨odinger Equations.
2001-2005: Department of Mathematical Science, Tsinghua University. Bachelor in Mathematics.
Major research areas:
Behavioral Economics, Insurance Economics, Finance, Risk Theory.
Referred Publications & Forthcoming Papers in Economics:
1. Lin Zhao and Wei Zhu, 2011. Ambiguity Aversion: A New Perspective on Insurance
Pricing. ASTIN Bulletin, forthcoming.
2. Bingzheng Chen, Lihong Zhang and Lin Zhao, 2010. On the Robustness of Longevity
Risk Pricing. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 47, 358-373.
Referred Publications in Mathematics:
1. Li Ma and Lin Zhao, 2010. Classification of Positive Solitary Solutions of the Nonlinear
Choquard Equation. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 195, 455-467.
2. Li Ma and Lin Zhao, 2010. Stability for the Time-Dependent Hartree Equation with
Positive Energy. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 362, 114-124.
3. Li Ma, Xianfa Song and Lin Zhao, 2010. New Monotonicity Formulae for Semilinear
Elliptic and Parabolic Systems. Chinese Annals of Mathematics, 31B, 411-432.
4. Xianfa Song and Lin Zhao, 2010. Gradient Estimates for the Elliptic and Parabolic
Lichnerowicz Equations on Compact Manifolds. Zeitschrift f¨ur Angewandte Mathematik
und Physik, 61, 655-662.
5. LiMa and Lin Zhao, 2009. On Energy Stability for the Coupled Nonlinear Schr¨odinger
System. Zeitschrift f¨ur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 60, 774-784.
6. Li Ma, Xianfa Song and Lin Zhao, 2009. On Global Rough Solutions to a Nonlinear
Schr¨odinger System. Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 51, 499-511.
7. Li Ma and Lin Zhao, 2008. Uniqueness of Ground States of Some Coupled Nonlinear
Schr¨odinger Systems and Their Application. Journal of Differential Equations, 245,
8. Li Ma and Lin Zhao, 2008. Sharp Thresholds of Blow-Up and Global Existence for
the Coupled Nonlinear Schr¨odinger System. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 49,
9. Li Ma and Lin Zhao, 2008. Regularity for Positive Weal Solutions to Semi-Linear
Elliptic Equations. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 7, 631-643.
10. Li Ma and Lin Zhao, 2007. Blow-Up of Solutions to the Nonlinear Schr¨odinger
Equations on Manifolds. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 48, 053519.
11. Li Ma, Lin Zhao and Xianfa Song, 2007. Gradient Estimate for the Degenerate
Parabolic Equation on Manifolds. Journal of Differential Equations, 244, 1157-1177.
12. Li Ma, Cong Li and Lin Zhao, 2007. Monotone Solutions to a Class of Elliptic and Diffusion Equations. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 6, 237-246.
Submitted Papers
1. Bingzheng Chen, Lin Zhao and Wei Zhu, 2011. Relative Stochastic Dominance and
Comparative Statics for Reference-Dependent Preferences.
2. Bingzheng Chen, Lin Zhao and Wei Zhu, 2011. The Design of Optimal Policies with Layers: Implications for Catastrophe Reinsurance.