Listing BRICs: Stock Issuers from Brazil, Russia, India and China in New York, London, and Luxembourg
Zhi-Qiang JIANG chool of Science Research Center for EconophysicsSchool of Business
Wei-Xing ZHOU School of Science Research Center for Econophysic, East China University of Science and Technology
上传时间:2010-01-20 最近更新时间:2010-01-20
下载次数:1 浏览次数:2370
Bubble Diagnosis and Prediction of the
Zhi-Qiang JIANG chool of Science Research Center for EconophysicsSchool of Business
Wei-Xing ZHOU School of Science Research Center for Econophysic, East China University of Science and Technology
上传时间:2010-01-20 最近更新时间:2010-01-20
下载次数:1 浏览次数:2160
石磊磊 中银国际证券有限责任公司 北京宣外大街营业部
王毅文 北京航空航天大学金融系
上传时间:2010-01-20 最近更新时间:2010-01-20
下载次数:1 浏览次数:2169
Term Structure of Default-Free and Defaultable Securities: Theory and Empirical Evidence
Hai Lin Xiamen UniversityDepartment of Finance,
Chunchi Wu University of Missouri-Columbia Department of Finance
上传时间:2010-01-20 最近更新时间:2010-01-20
下载次数:1 浏览次数:1727