July 17-20, 2024
Ningbo, China


The 14th annual China International Conference on Insurance and Risk Management (CICIRM 2024) will be held on July 17-20, 2024 at Shangri-La Ningbo in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China. The conference are organized by China Center for Insurance and Risk Management of Tsinghua SEM and Economics and Management School of Wuhan University, and co-organized by Wuhan University & Ningbo National Institute of Insurance Development and Business School of Ningbo University. 

The CICIRM 2024 will include a live-stream virtual component, and attendees can join either in person or online.

Since 2010, the CICIRM has served as the premier annual international conference for the fields of insurance and risk management in China. CICIRM attendees will have the opportunity to hear from distinguished speakers, exchange ideas with leading international researchers, and present and discuss recent academic and practical research. Since its inception, the conference has hosted numerous prominent keynote speakers, including (most recently): Olivia Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania), ZHOU Yanli (former China Insurance Regulatory Commission), ZHANG Chenghui (Development Research Center, State Council of the P.R.C.), Paul Embrechts (ETH Zurich), ZHENG Bingwen (Center for International Social Security Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), David Blake (City University, London), Shaun Shuxun Wang (Nanyang Technological University), ZHUO Zhi (Southwestern University of Finance and Economic), Phelim P. Boyle (Wilfrid Laurier University), Mary Hardy (University of Waterloo), DONG Bo (Insurance Institute of China), George Zanjani (University of Alabama), Martin Boyer (HEC Montréal),  Jerome Jean Haegeli (Swiss Re), Joan T. Schmit (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Casey G. Rothschild (Wellesley College), WEI Yingning (former China Insurance Regulatory Commission), Motohiro Yogo (Princeton University), Hanming Fang ( University of Pennsylvania), and Johnny Li (University of Waterloo).

The conference website is located at, and online registration will begin on May 10, 2024.



- Prof. Hazel Bateman (UNSW Sydney, Australia)
- Prof. Michael R. Powers (Tsinghua University, China)
- Assoc. Prof. Shinichi Kamiya,(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
- Mr. WANG He (President, China Association of Actuaries, China)



The CICIRM 2024 will cover topics related to insurance, risk management, and actuarial science. Research related to specific aspects of Chinese markets and government programs is especially welcome, and parallel sessions will be organized in both English and Chinese.

 Topics for submission may include (but are not limited to):

  • Development and regulation of insurance markets
  • Insurance economics
  • Theory and practice of risk management
  • Property and liability insurance
  • Life and health insurance
  • Pension and social security
  • Actuarial science
  • Behavioral insurance
  • InsurTech and related technology issues
  • Green insurance and economic sustainability

Abstract Submission

Abstracts may be submitted in either English or English/Chinese (i.e., bilingual). Conference participants whose abstracts are accepted will be encouraged to make their oral presentations in English.

All abstracts must be submitted via email attachment to Please prepare your abstract as a MS-Word file (.doc or .docx) and named with your names and abstract title, formatted using the conference’s abstract template.


Click to download CICIRM 2024 conference template for abstracts


All abstract submitters will be informed of the Program Committee’s decision by email. Please write to us at if you have not received an email notification by April 30, 2024.

Full-Paper Submission

Full papers may be submitted in either English or Chinese, but all such papers must include the following information in English:  title, abstract, keywords, and contact information for all authors (i.e., full name [both surname and given name], postal address, telephone number, and email address).

All full papers must be submitted via email attachment to Please prepare your paper as a MS-Word file (.doc or .docx) and named with your names and full-paper title, formatted using the conference’s full-paper template.


Click to download CICIRM 2024 conference template for papers


All submitted full papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee. All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN number after the conference. A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) will be assigned for each paper. For a paper to be considered for publication, at least one of its authors must register for and attend the conference to present the paper’s results. If you do not want to publish your paper in our proceedings, please contact us via email to 

All submitters of full papers will be informed of the Program Committee’s decision by email. Please write to us at if you have not received your email notification by September 1, 2024. The person submitting a full paper is responsible for informing all coauthors of the paper’s submission status.

Oral Presentation
Oral presentation will be 30 minutes long and consist of a 20-minute talk followed by 6 minutes for discussion and 4 minutes for both audience questions and presenter transition.

The CICIRM 2024 will be presented in a hybrid format with the option for speakers unable to travel to the conference to present remotely during their scheduled times. This format will be facilitated using Zoom OR Tencent Meeting.

Each session will be held in a unique online conference room. At least one day prior to the scheduled session, the moderator and all presenters for that session will receive a message include the details of online conference room. The Zoom / Tencent Meeting link will be sent to each presenter for each session.

The Doctoral Forum

The Doctoral Forum is a special series of sessions running parallel to the regular conference presentation sessions.  It provides an opportunity for Ph.D. candidates to receive constructive feedback and valuable advice on their research from invited discussants in their particular field. Ph.D. candidates are strongly encouraged to participate actively in the Doctoral Forum, and those interested are asked to indicate "I hope to participate in the Doctoral Forum" when making their submissions.

Best Paper Award
The CICIRM 2024 Best Paper Awards will consist of one First Place prize, two Second Place prizes, three Third Place prizes, and several Outstanding awards. Selected full papers in Chinese, recommended by the program committee, will undergo direct anonymous review for possible publication in Insurance Studies.


Deadline for early-bird registration is May 31Jun 7, 2024.

Registration Fee for IN-PERSON meeting:


Academic and Practitioners


Before May 31Jun 7, 2024

USD 200 (CNY 1200)

USD 140 (CNY 840)

After May 31Jun 7, 2024

USD250(CNY 1600)


Registration Fee for ONLINE meeting:


Academic and Practitioners


Before May 31Jun 7, 2024

USD 100 (CNY 600)

USD 70 (CNY 420)

After May 31Jun 7, 2024

USD 125 (CNY 800)

USD 88 (CNY560)


Student registrants are required to send a copy of their student ID to


Payment Methods:
Please register and pay online via the conference registration system.
[Under construction; details to be published at]


Important Dates:

  • Deadline for abstract submission: April 20, 2024.
  • Abstract-acceptance notification letters sent by email: April 30, 2024.
  • Deadline for early-bird registration: May 31Jun 7, 2024
  • Deadline for full-paper submission: June 30, 2024.
  • Conference dates: July 17-20, 2024.
  • Full-paper acceptance notification letters sent by email: September 1, 2024.


For additional information, please contact us as follows:

YAN Xuehuang   ZHANG Yanfang

China Center for Insurance and Risk Management
Room 376, Weilun Building
School of Economics and Management
Tsinghua University
Beijing, China 100084
Tel: +86 10 62773414; +86 10 62782830